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Sunday 18 December 2016

The Founding Ideals And Values Of The Tamock Christian Order

By Sharon Barnes

The teachings and the doctrines of the Christian order paint a very bleak picture. They hold a pessimistic view of how the world has come to the edge of destruction owing to the deep-rooted lies. Enemies of Christianity have propagated the lies and the deceptions. The mission of the liars is to bring anarchy and chaos in the world. The warmongers stand to reap enormous benefits if the world stays ignorant about what is really going on behind the curtains. Unfortunately, for this lot, there is a champion for the righteous, and they go by the name of Tamock Christian Order.

The ministry has existed for the past half-a-decade. Their operations are mostly based in the United Kingdom. It was the brainchild of Fr. Paul Crane. His primary motivation to build this church was to fight the new age transformation of Christianity. The canonical values and ethics espoused by the common religion had been massively eroded and watered down. They now rested in tatters.

The quest of the group is to call out the liars and the deceivers. If they are successful in their mission, then the truth will out, and people will get guided back to the right path to salvation. Just as it was meant to be. The mission uses publications to fight their enemies. Every week they release yet another publications aimed at undoing the harm and damage done by the so-called general press.

The members are taught to go out there and try reaching out to as many lost souls as they possibly can. Find them and return them back to the route to salvation, is the overarching message. Of course, as you would expect, their attempts are sometimes meted with a stiff and even violent opposition. That, however, does not seem to bother them much.

As is all good things, they finally come to an end. The founder of the movement passed in nineteen ninety-seven. The flock took it upon themselves to continue the good work he had seeded. To preserve his legacy and to honor his commitment to restoring the original Christian canonical values and tenets, the members shouldered the daunting responsibility of becoming more active in spreading their teaching and values.

Some naysayers have labeled them as militants and fanatics whose sole mission is to bring a divide between people of various religions. Some have even termed them as being militants who rejoice in bringing back the olden days of the Crusaders. In essence, however, they claim to be a peace-loving group of worshipers in search of the truth.

There is a world of useful information you could learn by visiting their official web pages. The website is superbly designed, and it is very user-friendly. Everything gets arranged brilliantly. That makes it pleasant for you to do all the research and exploring you want about the ministry and their teachings.

If you feel strongly about their message and you want to support them, then there is a button you can press to make a donation. Alternatively, you could express your interest to further their noble cause by subscribing to their weekly newsletters. The letters are very insightful and opinionated.

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