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Friday 20 October 2017

What You Need To Know About Acupuncture NYC

By William Clark

Over the years, a technique that has been borrowed from Chinese traditional medication has been used to treat a number of conditions. Such conditions include musculoskeletal problems such as shoulder stiffness and lower back pain. It is also believed to be an effective method of pain relief. This technique involves the insertion of very thin needles through the skin. Although there have been various research findings that suggest the effectiveness of the method of treatment as valid, the theories it is based on is more pseudoscientific rather than scientific. For any types of pain, acupuncture NYC would be a great recommended.

Traditionally, this method of treatment was believed to be used to rebalance the energy flow in the body. This energy flow, referred to as qi by the traditionalists is said to follow certain pathways in the body and if the needles are inserted along strategic points in the pathways there will be a new balance of Qi. However, modern practitioners believe that the function of the needles is to stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissues. Thus stimulation relieves is said to relieve pain.

The patient will usually feel some dull aches subsequent to the inserting of these needles but which fade away. These needles in some occasions are either heated or electrically stimulated or heated once they are inserted with the needles used being variant dependent on the condition suffered and level of pain. Needles are usually left in position for up to twenty minutes. The treatment may also be combined with other modes of treatment.

There are some potential risks that are associated with undertaking this procedure. Most of the risks are not severe and they should not be a cause of worry. They include feeling pain during insertion of the needle, some bleeding or bruising of the entry point of the needle, feeling of drowsiness or dizziness. It also has a chance of making the condition worse. It is however considered a safe procedure if well done.

There are various reasons to opt for this procedure. It usually assists in treating severe and also mild conditions. The conditions are for instance stiff shoulders, chronic neck pains and lower back pain among others. It is also applicable in treating psychological issues like depression and anxiety.

This procedure is also known to be used as cosmetic enhancement treatments. It is usually done so as to increase the skins health as well as result in the reduction of wrinkles and unwanted lines. It is also believed to brighten the complexion of the skin giving it a younger and vibrant look. This form of treatment has become popular to many beauty specialists.

However, you should find a licensed acupuncturist with years of experience and training. This is because the procedure might be unsafe if done by an inexperienced practitioner who may forget to sterilize the needles or insert the needles too deep into the body and damage a vital internal organ.

The overall benefits of this procedure surpass its risks. It has long-lasting effects on the conditions it treats and has been proven to treat a lot of chronic conditions successfully. It is also a great pain reliever. Although the science about this technique is unsure, it is still considered beneficial.

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