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Monday 9 April 2018

Why All Schools Need A System Of Instructional Rounds

By Lisa Sullivan

Those that think that teaching is a half day job and that teachers have nothing to do but teach are very badly mistaken. Teachers have to deal with numerous responsibilities. They not only teach, but they also have to grade papers, complete many administrative tasks, become involved in extra curricular activities, attend endless meetings and work around the fact that they always have to do their jobs without adequate resources. They have no time for self development. However, instructional rounds may be at least part of the answer.

This system is designed to provide a way in which a small group of teachers can learn from an experienced teacher. They do this by attending a class of the teacher under observation. The observers are expected to be unobtrusive. They are not allowed to participate in the lesson or to ask any questions. Their focus is to learn something from the teacher in action. This is always a voluntary system.

The observer group have a meeting prior to every observation session. During this meeting they set some objectives for the session. In most cases, the teacher that will be observed is renowned for one or more aspects of teaching. He can be known for using humour effectively, for example, or for an uncanny ability to maintain classroom discipline. The observation session normally focuses upon these strong points.

For this system to work, it is vital that all role players fully understand that observation sessions have no element of evaluation. The observers are not judging the observed teacher and even the students are informed about the purpose of the exercise. These sessions have only one aim and that is to help the observers to improve the quality of their own teaching.

Every observation sessions is followed by a second meeting. The observers share their experiences and they discuss the lessons that they have learned from their colleague. They also brainstorm some ideas about ways in which to implement these lessons in their own class rooms. These discussions are confidential. No criticism of the observed teacher is allowed and no report is submitted.

The system of observing professional colleagues in action has become extremely popular. Observers learn from experienced professionals and those under observation are motivated because they have been identified as true professionals in their field. Eventually, however, it is the students that benefit most because their teachers are freshly inspired with new ideas. Teachers not only learn from each other but they also get to know each other better.

It is only natural that the system has critics. They complain that the sessions are too short and too informal. They say that because teachers being observed know about it well in advance, they make a special effort to impress their colleagues, thereby negating all the benefits of the system. Some even believe that this system is a convenient way in which to neglect much needed formal teacher development programs.

The fact remains that the entire education system is under tremendous pressure. No one will deny the fact that major steps are necessary to improve the situation. Observation sessions are easy to implement and they do not require funding. If they help to improve the quality of education then they are certainly worth a try.

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