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Sunday 11 May 2014

Proper Nutrition Affects Health And Quality Of Life

By Samuel Gilbert

Nutrition is a term with many definitions. Most people understand it to mean a good diet, a healthy lifestyle, and supplementation with vitamins and minerals. It can also mean the science of how the body utilizes foods and nutrients, or the actual food itself. Healthy food in its natural state, plenty of fresh air and water, regular exercise to build muscle and fitness, and supplements if needed will keep or restore health.

To be healthy requires more than calories. This measurement of heat or energy produced by digestion dates from the 18th century, when the value of a calorie was established. 'Empty calories' are foods that can cause weight gain but offer no true nutritional value to the body. It is now known that we need vitamins, minerals, fiber, and other nutrients to thrive.

Whole foods contain dense nutrition in their natural, fresh form. When people lived mainly on food they produced themselves, this was not as much of a problem as it is today. Fresh vegetables from the garden, fruits from bushes and trees, and meat from the barnyard or from wildlife were staples for many generations.

When people moved to the cities and became dependent on store-bought food, this began to change. Foods were modified for commercial reasons, with either a disregard for health or an ignorance of what promotes it. Milk is one example. It was first pasteurized to kill tuberculosis germs and later homogenized, to make all milk look the same regardless of butterfat content. White bread became popular, even though much of the nutrition of wheat was lost when the bran was removed.

Today essential fatty acids are removed to prolong shelf life, fiber is lost when baked goods are valued for their soft texture, and sugar addiction cause people to seek satisfaction in empty calorie foods. Vegetables and fruits may be sold as fresh but transported from far away. Vitamins are fragile things, and their presence begins to decline as soon as the food is harvested.

Food is said to be the best medicine. An effort should be made to get as much fresh, whole food as possible every day. Food allergies or sensitivities can complicate things for people who may already be suffering from malnutrition. Artificial colors, flavorings, and preservatives have proved harmful in laboratory studies, and many believe they aggravate such things as allergies, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity in children.

Nutritional science involves more than food. Exercise such as walking, weight training, or body building is important; it tones muscles and the digestive tract and encourages regularity. It also results in deeper breathing, another factor for good health. Copious amounts of pure water, free of chemicals and impurities, are recommended by every health care professional. Getting enough deep, restorative sleep is also necessary for optimum well-being.

Nutrition should be the basis of everyone's lifestyle. This would result in a tremendous reduction of pain, illness, expense, and loss of productivity. Feeling good, building muscle and fitness, and enjoying life are within reach of us all, if we are wise enough to implement them.

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