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Thursday 26 June 2014

The Truth About Anaphylaxis And The Epipen Carrier Connection

By Sherry Gross

The immune system actually acts as the first line of protective mechanism of the body against common illnesses. The average human being makes antibodies that serve as the natural soldiers that fight invaders that may make their way to your system. It is the function of an antibody to recognize which is enemy and which is ally. It keeps the ally safe by extinguishing the foe.

But somehow, there can be system glitches that often produce antibodies that deviate from the norm. They either take a healthy cell for an enemy or consider a really harmless agent for one that needs to be annihilated. This hypersensitivity is also known as allergies. They result in reactions that can be very mild, or very dangerous. For safety reasons, it is quintessential for one who has allergies to bring along an epipen carrier, just in case.

Allergies come in very several forms, according to the trigger matter or the allergen that can cause it. For example, pollen that comes from flowers can bring about a reaction to some people. This is also known as a seasonal allergy as it typically occurs during spring, when all the flowers are in bloom. Ordinary people refer to this as hay fever.

If the former only occurs at designated periods, dust mite allergies happen all year round. These people are allergic to dust and will really break out in rashes if they come in close contact with anything dusty. They are also recommended to use hypoallergenic products to avoid irritations and other reactions as a manifestation of the said allergy.

Damp areas are natural habitats for molds. These fungi float through the air like pollens and dust, and can also cause allergies. People with this type or allergic reaction should stay away from the basement and the bathroom. Frolicking in hay, on piles of leaves and on grass is not allowed.

There are also people who cannot enjoy certain types of foods that contain certain ingredients. Most of these trigger foods include fish, eggs, and everything dairy. They can break out in rashes or something that is even worse even within minutes of consumption. These people avoid these kinds of foods, so you have to be careful what to feed them.

Reactions are often mild and are not really causes for worry and panic. These minor effects can even be treated right at home. The patient can be administered with over the counter drugs such as decongestants and antihistamines. These drugs often come in the form of nasal sprays, drops, capsules and tablets.

Allergies can bring about very fatal reactions as well, which is commonly known as anaphylaxis. This is manifested by nausea, difficulties in breathing, dilated vessels and very low blood pressures. The patient should be treated immediately to avoid even more severe complications.

Anaphylaxis is very fatal, which is why people carry epinephrine shots with them. EpiPens are essential medications for any person that has allergies. They can be placed in special carriers to protect them from danger.

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