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Thursday 31 July 2014

Sports First Aid Kits Are Essential For Any Athletic Establishment

By Imelda Reid

If injuries are not attended to right away, they can become even worse and lead to serious problems. This is why athletic establishments like to keep sports first aid kits around for trainers or team doctors to use to initial treatment. Though they can certainly be used by emergency room doctors and other medical professionals, these kits are usually utilized by trained but non-medical personnel. In sports, these are usually athletic trainers.

Before a doctor or other medical professionals can examine an injury, it's good to use this aid for the initial treatment. Often times, many small injuries or certain illnesses don't need any medical treatment after the initial first aid. As long as the correct procedures and techniques are followed, these smaller injuries will heal just fine without extra examination from a hospital doctor.

North American Booster Club Association and National Athletic Trainers' Association and are sports-related organizations that both agree on a safety checklist that lists all the objects required in the first aid kits. These include elastic wraps, gauze, bandages, tape, and antiseptics. Other objects that may be needed are ice, inhalers, or epinephrine pens if the athletes require them.

All sorts of emergency medical professionals use the same procedure that is used in first aid care called ABCs. This stands for airway, breathing, and circulation; and is the model for initial care in a potentially dangerous situation. The airway portion of this procedure makes sure that there is no obstruction blocking air getting to a person's lungs.

If the breathing of this person is inadequate, rescue breathing may be required after making sure the airway is clear. This will get much needed oxygen to the lungs. Circulation, however, is normally skipped for more serious patients. In these cases, immediate chest compressions would be more applicable as time is a constraint. Checking for pulse can still be done on less serious patients, though.

There is a fourth step called deadly bleeding or defibrillation, though many people consider this to be part of the circulation step. Carrying out the ABCs and correctly implementing all techniques depends on the aider's skill and experience. Afterwards, these attendants may treat the injured with additional aid if they feel it is needed.

The ABCs have similar versions called the 3Bs or 4Bs. The 3Bs include breathing, bleeding, and bones; while the 4Bs include all these and an addition of the brain. In all three procedurals, there will be times when certain steps are taken together. For example, CPR calls for a first aider to perform "B" and "C" together. This means that rescue breathing will be done while also doing chest compressions.

First aid kits must look obvious to any layman. The cross on them are usually white, red, or green; and are often in the middle of a green or white background. These kits must also be very well stocked with all the required items, and contain no expired products. This will help keep every kit perfectly qualified to treat any injury without issues concerning the quality of the products.

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