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Friday 13 May 2016

Important Information Related To Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Houston Residents Need To Have

By Andrew Miller

Bariatric surgery is a term that is given to all the surgical procedures that are used to achieve weight loss. These options are helpful when lifestyle options have failed to yield the desired results. There are three main forms of operations that fall under this category. These include sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass and lap band gastric surgery. There are a number of things on bariatric weight loss surgery Houston residents need to know.

Gastric banding is the most preferred of the three options. One of the reasons why this is so is the fact that it is the only one that is reversible. This is because no form of cutting is done on the stomach. The other major advantage it has is that the side effects are few and fairly easy to control. In the procedure, an instrument known as a laparoscope is used to place a silicon band on the stomach so as to reduce its size.

Modern techniques in surgery have made it possible to perform the procedure through minimal access using laparoscopy. Since the incisions that are being used are quite small, recovery is faster and the risk of side effects is markedly reduced. Some of the side effects that one may experience include aversion to food, vomiting, infections and bleeding among others. The position of the band can be readjusted to minimize the vomiting.

Sleeve gastrectomy is a more invasive option. It involves the shaping of a stomach onto a sleeve (or tubular shape) by resecting it along its length. As much as 80% of the operation can be removed leaving just a small pouch. The significance of this is that there is a huge reduction in the amount of food that can be held at a given time. This type of operation can also be performed through laparoscopy.

Apart from reducing the capacity of the stomach (and thus leading to early satiety). The operation also causes faster emptying of the gut which reduces the time available for food to be absorbed. The few calories that are generated are mainly used in the generation of energy required for day-to-day activities. Very little is available for conversion to fat. The overall effect within weeks and months is weight loss.

The most common side effects of sleeve gastrectomy are leakage of digested food and bleeding. There may be a need to have additional procedures to correct the leakage. Others include infections, damage to vital structures such as the vagus nerve, vomiting and esophageal spasms. In spite of these complications, the popularity of the procedure appears to be on the rise particularly among children and adults.

Gastric bypass is very radical and rarely performed. It is mainly done when a disease process affects the liver and the gall bladder and there is a need to divert the flow of bile. There are two main steps involved. The first is the removal of the lower part of the stomach which reduces its size significantly. The second step is the joining of the upper part to the intestines. Malabsorption of nutrients is the most feared complication here.

You need to talk to your doctor to see whether any other options of weight loss can be used in your case before you decide to have surgery. It is only after the non-surgical options have proven ineffective that surgical operations should be considered. There is a need to make lifestyle changes after the operation so as to maximize on the benefits.

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