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Monday 10 December 2018

PRP Injection And The Cases It Helped

By Margaret Peterson

Medical technology is continuously emerging along with the world, several medications are created to help humanity live a longer life away from physical pain. One popular treatment that is present in field of medicine is called Patelet rich plasma injection. This is said to heal various kinds of diseases such arthritis from within through several injection appointment, the shot is directly made on the parts of body that is hurting. There are so prp injection success stories that stands as proof to its healing capability.

A woman that is over sixty years old was one of few that provided her share of experience about this. The disease was Osteoarthritis, this attacks the joints making it degenerated continually. Because of that, infuriating pain are constantly felt by the patient. Since she is no longer younger, the body is having a hard time coping up and recovering.

At first, the medication that was used was steroids injection but on the longer run, the body became accustomed to the therapy and is no longer doing its purpose. The pain had been constantly coming making it hard for the woman to take good care of the grand children. Doing the household chores has been very challenging as well.

After some contemplation, it all boiled down to one decision which is trying the suggested treatment present by the physician which is PRP injection. The initial shots happens and it was done on either kneed or hands. Few weeks later, there was a huge improvement on her case.

Bending fingers from both hands and feet have been easier unlike than it was before. After the treatment, the woman was even able to do her hobby which is making pottery. This was just on of those stories that are proof of how useful the treatment was.

The procedure of PRP is done initial by drawing out blood from the patients. It is stored in a safe tube and spun for quite some time on a centrifuge. This breaks out the components of blood into three different kinds. The red blood cells, platelet rich and platelet poor plasma.

The rich plasma is injected back to the area that hurts. Experts believed that injecting it back would help in modulating the response of the body from inflammation. Aside from that, there are no reported serious risk that can be connected to this treatment.

Any patient that was able to go through the entire treatment is allowed to resume doing any daily activities immediately. There is nothing to worry about rehabilitation not recover because it happens quickly compared to surgery. This are also less invasive and excellently safe.

As a matter of fact, patient that have tried it did not feel any pain at all. There are few discomforts on the treated parts of ones body but those are just minimal. Aside from its safety profile, it also is known to not cost that much compared to other treatments that are being promoted in the medical science.

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