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Tuesday 7 July 2015

Change Your Future With The Intuitive Readings

By Edna Booker

At one point in time, you must have asked yourself what the future holds for us, what it holds for humankind. Every year beginning, you plan for the year ahead, but this question is always at the back of your mind. In many cultures and traditions all over the world, the intuitive readings have gained popularity as a way of finding out what is likely to come our way in the future. It is a divining method that has been used for ages with different civilizations.

An intuitive reading is an art that has been in existence for centuries. It is an ancient method of divining that has been used reliably to change the course of the life of individuals and help them live a more fulfilling life. It is often defined as the art of foretelling someone's future or the processes of taking a snapshot of what will happen in an individual's future.

However, the better definition would be that it is a snapshot of the various possible scenarios in future; basing in the decisions an individual has made on his/her life up to that moment of time. We believe that what is meant to happen will eventually happen, but this is not for certain. In other words, the future is never set in stone. This is why the use of 'various possible scenarios' is an important part of this definition.

The sessions are led intuitively, as suggested by the name. With the right professionals, you get that each of the sessions is completely unique and highly individualized. In a typical session, there is a lot of processing, releasing and transmuting of energies in the mental, the emotional, and the physical energy bodies. To some people, it feels like a talk therapy session while to others, it feels like having a psychic surgery.

In most sessions, the readings provide in-depth information in relation to the client's soul journey and his/her life path. This is achieved when the reader taps into the different dimensions of client's consciousness, reading his/her subtle energy and access the Akashic Records. The readings are mostly used to provide the clarity on the purpose of one's life or their karmic cycles.

Unlike the psychic readings, most of the intuitive readers do not actually read the future of the individual but instead focus on the individual energy and access extra-sensory information. People with this power help the clients access their internal strengths and discover their special gifts. At the end of the session, the client should be more self-assured. They should feel more knowledgeable and empowered about their hidden gifts and abilities.

At the back of your mind, you should always look at the reading just as a guide or a map for your future. It is not right to look at it as something that is unchangeable or certain. Ideally, it is there to tell you about future possibilities basing in the past decisions. This means that if you have a problem with what the future is saying, all you need to do is to make decisions that can change your future possibilities.

This involves paying attention to your inner feelings to help you make the right choice. Once you meet the prospective reader, or you go through their website and read the testimonials of the previous clients, you should be in the position to make a judgement. It is a mistake to trust such services to someone who ends up disempowering you instead of empowering you.

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