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Friday 4 March 2016

Are You Married To The Medical Billing Industry?

By Dough Clientsette

Just when you thought that billing was going to be a little bit easier, you just found out that it got harder. Medical billers are now questioning their ability in ICD-10 coding. It is one of the most complex systems around right now. It has caused the healthcare industry to throw their hands up in the air and ask the question, "How can I collect more money from the insurance companies?" The problem today with billing is that it's not an easy field to be involved in. Medical billing today has a lot to do with trying to get to the next level.

For starters, under the old ICD-9, the system allowed for easy billing. A biller would simply put the codes in and receive a check from the insurance company in a matter of weeks. The new coding system requires more in depth detail. People want to know how it all works and if they can get educated in it. Becoming an expert in ICD-10 means more power for you. Since you will be a rare find, you can demand more pay, time off and more respect. If you are working for a physician's office now, you are probably aware that working in healthcare is tough. You have to work long hours and be married to your job. Many doctors work 8 to 12 hours a day. Some are on 24 hour shifts. It is tiring and often exhausting for people to go through day to day.

When you work towards a specific goal in billing, you begin to see that you can accomplish your goals. You can accomplish it because you are striving hard to perfect something that so many people have trouble with. ICD-10 coding is no easy task. It often involves people of like minds coming together. When you feel that your insight into a patient is good, you can often document the bill better.

Most medical billers have no idea what is wrong with the patient. For the most part, they are writing down things that don't make sense to the insurance companies. This is why the insurance companies often send the bill back saying that they cannot pay on that claim. This is for many different reasons. For starters, bills get paid on a regular basis by insurance companies. However, under the new ICD-10, coders are expected to put down more information than they had to in ICD-9. Now, a coder must become familiar with the 69,000 codes. Many treatment centers and rehabs are having a difficult time learning this new coding system.

Insurance companies today are looking for more honesty and an explanation. They want to know that you understand how the billing process works. You may receive a call from them on a regular basis concerning billing matters. Today, insurance companies are less prone to issuing out a check to doctors. They take their time and look for mistakes in your billing. They can slow down your payment if the forms are not filled out correctly.

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