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Sunday 11 September 2016

The Fundamental Tenets Surrounding The Subject Of Self Realization

By Mark Edwards

Very few individuals get a chance to live their full potential. At the end of the day, they feel they could have done more. Nothing is as sweet and as satisfying than getting to achieve all the dreams and aspirations you have set out. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to get to experience a full life. One has to dedicate and devote a lot of effort to this endeavor. If they are lucky then they end up joining an exclusive club known as home to the individuals who have attained self realization.

No single book can hold all the information and knowledge necessary to make a person achieve enlightenment. Getting to experience this golden state requires knowledge spread out across multiple disciplines. Some of the skills cannot even be explained using words. They are above and beyond mere words. Remember that you have to strike a near-perfect balance for your mind, body and soul to become successful.

Make use of professional networks to get the desired results and outcomes. Find an experienced guru to work with. They will help you to carve out a path to your destiny. They will help you stay the course in the face of overwhelming odds. Sign up for yoga lessons and train your mind to meditate and calm itself. Meditation is a practice done by many of the people who are considered to be enlightened.

Many people fail to get to this awe-inspiring state of mind because of the baggage they carry with them. These individuals have allowed themselves to be influenced and affected by the prevailing concepts and notions by the larger society. Norms are an obstacle towards finding your true self. Avoid taking them too seriously. Perfecting yoga and knowing how to properly channel your inner strength takes a great deal of effort. It is difficult to become a yoga master even when you have the best teachers in the world. Never be in a hurry to attain this state. It takes the most determined people many painstaking years and they still come up short not having attained the desired omnipotence state.

Make use of the free resources put up at your disposal. Go online and sample the endless assortment of materials placed there by the leading authority figures in this niche industry. Learn from their wisdom and insights. A good example of the leading experts in this field is the father of yoga known as Paramahansa Yogananda. Google him and see what he had to say about achieving enlightenment using yoga and meditation.

Alternatively, one could pay for professional classes and lessons on actualization. This option is preferred by many individuals because they get a proper guidance on how best to proceed. Compare and contrast the prices by the various institutions offering meditation and yoga classes and pick the option which is most attractive.

Building a strong relationship with your god is crucial to success in this quest. One needs to strive towards finding their spirituality. The innate understanding that there are a purpose and an ordained destiny to all that we do is very calming. It is therapeutic as well to know that you can transcend and become omnipotence like your divine maker.

Be confident about your prospects. Face issues with a positive attitude. Do not let the extenuating circumstances in the past define the present or the future. This is actually some of the outstanding chakras outlined in many self-actualization texts and literature. The master you find to help you is only going to take you a small fraction of the journey. You will have to complete the journey yourself.

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