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Tuesday 2 January 2018

Important Details About Acupuncture In Torrance

By Joyce McDonald

Acupuncture refers to a health component that originated from China more than 2500 years back. The general theory of the procedure is based on a belief that the body has energy flow patterns that play a key role to health. In case of disruptions to flow of energy, one can suffer from some diseases. Acupuncture can correct any imbalances to flow at particular points. Acupuncture in Torrance comes in various forms and and one should know what is involved.

The procedure is mainly used for relieving discomfort that is associated with various diseases or conditions. Some of these include dental pains, chemotherapy, migraines, labor pains and fibromyalgia. Inasmuch as it is effective, it comes with a number of risks. However, risks are less likely if the practitioner you involve is competent and certified. After the procedure, you may experience soreness, bruising at needle sites and minor bleeding.

If organs are pushed too deeply during treatment, it is possible that there might be internal puncturing. The most affected organs are the lungs. It is a complication that is very rare as long as an experienced practitioner is involved. To avoid infections, licensed acupuncturists are supposed to use sterile, disposable needles. Reused needles can lead to diseases like hepatitis. Not everybody will be a good candidate for treatment because there are conditions that increase risks of complications.

People who have bleeding disorders are not supposed to go for the treatment since chances of bleeding are high. This mostly happens for people who take blood thinners. In cases like that, you need to inform the practitioner of the conditions before treatment begins. There are also people with pacemakers who should avoid the procedure because it will interfere with the pacemaker. This is because of the electric pulses produced during acupuncture treatment. Women who are pregnant would also need to consider other options.

There is no special preparation needed. Most importantly, you will need to go for a practitioner who is reputable. You will benefit greatly by talking to relatives and friends to recommend professionals they may have worked with. You also need to ask for credentials of the person. In most states, there are exams that acupuncturists sit for before they are licensed. You should set up an appointment with them before treatment to discuss various issues.

To determine the type of treatment that you will need, the practitioner will ask about symptoms, lifestyle and behaviour. This will involve examining the parts of the body that are painful, color of the face and rhythm of pulses in the wrist. Initial evaluation might take as much as an hour. The subsequent appointments will take half an hour each. Normally, one or two treatments are required every week, with specific number of treatments depending on condition of the individual.

The points that are targeted are situated all over the body. In certain instances, the required point may be further from where the pain was. Your practitioner will let you know of where the targeted point is.

The needles used are extremely thin and the insertion will come with some discomfort. The number of needles used is between 5 to 20. The practitioner might gently twirl the needles after placement. Needles are left in place for about 20 minutes.

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