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Thursday 11 January 2018

Oh The Relief With Homeopathic Cold Remedies

By Jason Graham

Do you want a safe, natural alternative to chemical cold formulas? Homeopathic cold remedies are time-tested, having been used by hundreds of millions of people since their introduction in the late 1800s. They contain minute amounts of natural substances, diluted in a special way to retain potency while being so reduced that there is no toxicity whatsoever. Their popularity testifies to their efficacy.

Homeopathy is a traditional branch of medicine, created in the late 1800s and used widely before the discovery of penicillin. It is still regulated by the FDA in the United States. This treatment protocol follows the philosophy of 'like cures like'. A great example is the use of the onion - allium - to treat the sniffles and watering eyes that often accompany a cold. As most of us know, cutting up an onion causes these symptoms; a minute amount of the vegetable relieves them.

The 'science' of homeopathy calls for a single remedy to cure everything that ails a person. The diagnosis requires the skilled intervention of a trained homeopath. However, many use the lower potencies on a symptom-related basis. A tablet of Arnica montana, a widely-used remedy, contains a minute amount of the herb diluted in milk sugar. Although the herb itself in each pellet is not discernible under a microscope, millions of athletes and 'weekend warriors' use this remedy for muscle soreness or bruising.

The guiding principle of homeopathy is 'do no harm', which certainly cannot be said for many pharmaceuticals. It makes sense to at least try a natural, harmless product before resorting to something that may help but that also may have negative side effects. Most drugs carry warnings about possible side effects, but homeopathy in over-the-counter potency is considered completely safe.

A remedy in the 'tissue salt' category that helps with colds and flu is Ferr Phos. This is a tablet made of milk sugar with a tiny amount of iron and phosphorus (two minerals found in human tissue, as the name indicates). It is considered a nutritive remedy, being good for general robustness. It also helps keep a fever within bounds and is considered by many parents as both more effective and safer than something like children's ibuprofen. A tissue salt comes in a low dilution, termed 6X.

Nat mur, another tissue salt, regulates water in the body and is used for runny noses. It also can help with dehydration, a worry for parents of young children who may not eat or drink readily when ill. Kali phos is another; among other things, it is often used for coughs and seems to be able to deflect croup from becoming severe. It's always worth trying natural alternatives before resorting to something that may have dangerous side effects, like ibuprofen.

Almost every pharmacy and grocery store now has some homeopathic cold formulas on their shelves. There are formulas for infants on up to senior citizens. Homeopathy comes in tablets, called 'pellets' in the trade, in liquids, and in lozenges. Another part of the philosophy of this branch of medicine is that a minute amount of a substance, properly prepared, is more potent than a large amount in bringing about recovery.

Treating colds with homeopathy is safe and effective. Those who wish to avoid chemical formulas have a wide choice of products for unpleasant symptom relief. Go online to find more information on this kind of medicine and to see customer reviews of products on the market. It's nice to have some safe alternatives in your arsenal to fight winter's ills.

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