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Wednesday 10 July 2013

Deep Theta Meditation Binaural Beats

By Elisa Hagendoorn

The basic principle in the use of binaural beats concerns the human brain's ability to appropriate, process and sometimes merge source sounds into a single working sound. For example, if you were to take two different tone samples and feed those samples into each of your ears, you'd actually hear a combination of the two that would produce what amounts to a humming noise inside of the head.First discovered and later researched by Heinrich Wilhelm Dove in 1839, Binaural Beats, sometimes referred to as binaural tones, are apparent sounds created by the brain under certain conditions of stimulation. Much has been discovered in recent years particularly with regard to their use in human relaxation.

It has been found that, if sounds at separate source frequencies are fed into each of your ears, they will eventually cause a new frequency to be created within the brain. This new frequency is the mean of the two sources frequencies; and a special 'beat' will appear to resonate a number of times depending solely upon the difference in the two frequencies, hence the name.To put it simply, a 510 Hz tone and a 500 Hz tone will combine to ultimately form a 505 Hz tone in the brain; which would eventually pulsate 10 times each second. In order for this effect to completely take hold, the tones of each frequency must be between 1,000 and 1,500, with the difference between their frequencies being less than 30 hertz. If these conditions do not exist, the two different tones will still be heard, but they will be heard apart from one another with no beat to bring them together in the brain.

An added benefit of using such technology is that the states it creates allow you to access the subconscious parts of the mind. Those parts that are subliminal and just below the conscious threshold. Binaural beats can be used with many other self improvement tools (such as subliminal recordings, affirmations or visualization etc.) to increase your personal development dramatically as it creates deep states of relaxation and can put you into Alpha and Theta states. Therefore they can be used as an aid to alter beliefs, heal emotional issues or create behaviour changes. One of the great benefits they can give is a quick energy boost equivalent to a few hours sleep. It is believed that by using binaural beats you can:Create deep states of meditation.Boost your intelligence and creativity.Slow aging. Create remarkable emotional changes at a very deep level.Eliminate Stress & anxiety.The beauty of binaural beats is that they can be used to induce these states and create these changes with no effort on the part of the listener. You just wear a set of headphones and let the sound technology do the rest.

When the brain starts to work at the same frequency as a binaural beat, patterns in brain wave movement can be altered. This might help people reduce their amount of stress, which can ultimately lead to better overall health. At current standing, stress is seen as one of the top causes of cancer and various other serious ailments. Along reduction of stress, scientists are speculating that binaural beats will have an impact in stimulating the natural creativity of a person's brain.

For brain entrainment, two audio frequencies are prepared. It is important to hear both the frequencies. There is a little difference between these two. Frequency in the left ear is, say, 400 Hz and in the right it is 410 Hz. Our brain tries to filter out the difference between the two frequencies. This makes it work at the frequency of the said difference between the two tones or beats in the two different ears. This way we can easily entrain the brain frequencies along with the resulting brain state to any desired level.Headphones are necessary in this process. With them we can easily change our state of mind. We experience a whole new spectrum of awareness.Pure Binaural Beats Review Team on Working of Monaural Beats vis-a-vis Meditation Download for Brain Entrainment:In monaural beats there is only one single tone. You have to concentrate only on one single tone. It is of a specific pattern. It is very easy to work with monaral beats, which is a more advanced technology than binaural beats. It is not at all important to use headphones here, as you have to concentrate on one single tone only.

If you are having a hard time getting to sleep, then perhaps binaural beats would be a good way to help the problem. Because the brain begins to relax when hearing these beats, it can have an effect on the rest of your body and end up putting you to sleep quite quickly. Sleep is an important factor for keeping chemical levels balanced and helping people live happy, productive lives.Sitting down for an hour of so of binaural beats can not only enhance relaxation, but can also set your mind, heart, and muscles at ease. Even when people don't know that they are doing this, it has come to be an effective exercise.

Beyond that, there is the obvious purpose of meditation. People use meditation for a whole host of different purposes. Some have religiously based meditation sessions, while others spend their time meditation for pleasure. It doesn't matter if you are giving praise or getting relaxed, binaural beats can help you get to that state in which nothing else will concern you.If you have ever spent time trying to meditate, then you know that it can sometimes be very difficult to get to this relaxed state. By hearing the constant frequency of binaural beats, combined with the other meditation tactics, you might be able to better get into the "zone". Some meditation and yoga teachers have begun to use binaural beats in their professional classes in recent years. Because the beats can put a person into a relaxed state very quickly, there is an overwhelming desire from these people to put the beats in the room and help out their clients.

By bringing the listener into this extremely deep state of meditation, binaural technology, can activate major positive changes in your emotional, mental and physical make-up. This can be a very profound and extremely life-changing experience. You will find past buried memories resurface as the beats direct your brain to restructure its neural network and raise your "comfort level" to a new high. After several listening session you find yourself less stressed out than before and your reaction to situations, that in the past would have sent you screaming round the halls, much more composed. The technology literally eliminates negative emotional, mental and physical patterns. The discomfort I spoke of earlier comes from the restructuring of your brain's neural network as old buried uncomfortable memories are triggered in the brain before the connecting emotional response is wiped away. You are still left with the memory of the event but you no longer have any emotional attachment to it. Don't worry, for some reason, it doesn't affect positive memories! It may be due to the natural state of the mind and body, for this system of mind/body is always seeking equilibrium and harmony, which tends to lead to feelings of joy and happiness.

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