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Friday 12 July 2013

Gluten Free Foods And Diet

By Kelly R. Crumble

Gluten is a complex compound found in commonly used cereals like wheat, and barley. Some people are allergic to gluten, have a gluten intolerance, or have Celiac Disease. Its estimated that up to 10% of the U.S. population could have some form of gluten allergy.Gluten consumption for gluten intolerant people is extremely bad and could lead to many complex medical conditions. And a large percentage of people, though not gluten intolerant, have difficulty in digesting gluten. Many people in the U.S. are gluten intolerant and don't even know it. And many medical doctors misdiagnose gluten intolerant people all the time, as the symptoms are varied and different from person to person.[]

Gluten is actually a mixture of proteins that is known to have harmful effects in the gut, especially for people diagnosed with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. The common sources of gluten include wheat, barley, and rye. Therefore, the more common types of food where gluten may be an ingredient include pasta, biscuits, cakes, bread, and other bread mixes, to name a few. Since most of these fare are found in almost everyone's daily diet and are normally stacked in grocery stores, sufferers of Celiac disease, autoimmune conditions, and gluten intolerance often have a hard time finding food products that are gluten-free.

Gluten is also found in beverages, such as in barley-based drinks like beer and barley fruit drinks. Yoghurt and cheese spreads may also contain gluten, as well as ready-mix spices, spice powders, and even certain kinds of medicines.Nonetheless, there are also many kinds of healthy food that do not contain gluten. Almost all fruits and vegetables do not contain gluten, and most alcoholic drinks, except for beer, are typically gluten-free. Add to this list eggs, cheese, and coffee creamers.

After my grocery shopping is complete, I go home and plan my menu. It is easier to cook with basic foods and limit my flour intake. Gluten-free flours are more expensive and do not stick together as well as wheat. I have not completely omitted it from my diet, but do not eat it as much as I did in the past. I use three foods that are naturally gluten-free in my meal rotations. They are protein, vegetables, and fruit. Combining these three foods can offer a great assortment of meals.

Maintaining good health by consuming gluten free foods is possible, provided some supplements are taken to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These supplements may be unnecessary if ample fruits and green leafy vegetables are included as a part of the diet. But doctors and nutritionists recommend taking vitamin supplements no matter what your diet. Especially for women and older people.Going gluten free could also bring in a lot of other health benefits. Avoiding processed foods brings a host of benefits such as reduced risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. A well planned diet based on gluten free foods will go a long way in your quest for good health.But cutting gluten products out of your diet is easier said then done. Our society is based on gluten foods: burgers and sandwiches, pastas, cereals, pastries - those are all gluten foods and a huge staple of the American diet.

When first going gluten free, many people cannot keep themselves from cheating and eating the way they have eaten their whole lives. That's why it's so wonderful that there are now thousands of gluten free products on the market. Those with gluten intolerance and celiac disease can continue to eat sandwiches, pastas, and baked goods. You just need to know which gluten free products taste good and have a good texture to them.

We live in a gluten filled world. That does not mean that there is not an abundance of gluten-free foods. Proteins, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds are a great beginning, and if you get creative, gluten-free flour blends can replace wheat flours in all kinds of recipes. There is one tip that has benefitted me the most in the transition to my new diet. If the food is in its natural state, then it is simple to deduct whether it will work or not (all wheat flours are out of the question). This knowledge will help many to avoid perusing packages through long lists of ingredients and ease confusion.

Celiac disease has no specific cause. There are plenty of environmental and genetic factors that go into causing this disease. The diagnosis is determined via blood test or small intestine biopsy. The small intestine is where humans absorb their nutrients. The main treatment is omitting gluten from your diet. Once this happens, your immune system will begin to produce the proper lining in their small intestine to begin absorbing nutrients again.

Finding these specialized foods, though, can be tricky. They aren't usually placed with their gluten-filled cousins. Instead, they are usually given their own section, which is usually pretty small. If you don't know this, you might spend a lot of time looking from shelf to shelf, trying to find gluten-free alternatives for common foods, such as cereals.Don't hesitate to ask a grocery employee where they keep the gluten-free foods as soon as you get to your grocery store. Doing so will save you a lot of time and frustration.

If you are lucky enough to have a natural or health food store near you, then you are probably going to have a better selection of foods to choose from that do not contain gluten. The placement of gluten-free foods is usually different here than in mainstream grocery stores.In these stores, the foods you seek are usually placed together, but grouped by specialized type. I.E. Pasta will be in one part of the store, and will be broken down by wheat-free pasta, gluten-free pasta, etc. Same with the cereals, and so on.The first few times you shop for foods that do not have gluten may be frustrating, but each time will get easier. Eventually, you will know exactly where to go and you will get your shopping done as quickly as you did before you shopped for specialized foods.

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