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Monday 15 July 2013

How To Meditate Properly - Learn More About Meditation Techniques!

By Gerda J. Worth

There are a lot of doubts about how to meditate properly, specially when you learn from a book or you start practicing on your own without guidance. Common question like: Am I doing it right? Is this the right posture? How long should I meditate? Discover 7 tips on how to meditate properly.Learn a meditation technique from a good teacher: try to find a guide that has enough knowledge and experience in meditation, be sure you can ask questions when you have difficulties.

Go to a meditation retreat: a retreat is the best possible way to learn a meditation technique, there you have a teacher so you can ask whatever you want, you practice long enough to go deep in the meditation technique you practice and you learn by yourself how to meditate properly.Don't give so much importance to the posture: many people think that they won't have progress in meditation if they don't have a good posture, the only guideline is to sit on a posture you can be comfortable for long periods of time and to keep your back straight.

Listed below, are tips on proper meditation techniques,Begin by concentrating on your breathing. This will enable you to sink into profound meditation. Let your body go into a relaxation mode since this is one of the affirmative effects of meditation. Then again, do not focus so much on your respiration as this may prevent your body from going into a natural relaxation mode.Prior to meditating, it is important to determine your objective. For example, is the meditation meant to aid your body in healing or to simply relish some alone time? During meditation, you may realize that your mind is slowly drifting towards a different course. This is quite normal when learning how to meditate properly.

Focus on lighting when you prepare your space. Natural light is wonderful, but in some positions natural light may distract you even with closed eyes. Similarly, overly bright artificial lights are disruptive. Seek out these sneaky distractions before meditation.Once your space is properly prepared, take your desired position and close your eyes. Begin breathing deeply, focusing on the cyclical feeling of air entering and leaving your body.

Empty your mind. This sounds simple and yet takes practice. The daily worries we carry mentally and physically weight us down and often refuse to leave when we want to relax. The deep breathing will help retrain your focus to meditation and away from those worries, though it might take a while until the practice becomes regular.From this point meditation can become more subjective and personally tailored to you. Some religions have their own meditative guides that involve gripping prayer beads and reciting special texts. If this is your orientation, then work with these meditative practices.

You are not your thoughts. We believe we are what we think, because we associated who we are with what we are thinking. But to meditate is to separate yourself from your thoughts. You simply become "the watcher". During meditation, you are observing your thoughts. This is how you will reach a state of "no mind", that is, you are in a state of thoughtless awareness.

During earlier times Buddhist monks practiced almost constant meditation as they believed that it would help transcend their well-being and reach the state of Nirvana (the highest state of calmness or happiness). This practice continues to exist until this time. Meditation is actually a good form of relaxation because not only will it relax your physical body but also will it help you relieve the tension accumulated from a stressful day. So let us begin the steps on how to meditate properly.

First, you may adopt the atypical posture of someone who meditates. The posture is important in meditation because it provides stability and steepness to the flow of energy. Position yourself comfortably in such a way that you will not feel any pain or aches as this might disturb the meditation process. It is best to cross your legs and interlock your fingers to promote continuity of energy flow. You can meditate anywhere you feel comfortable (on the floor or on a chair) just must make sure that you feel secure and safe in that place. Second, close your eyes during meditation. Whilst some experienced meditators keep then open and focus on an object but for beginners it is normally best to close them to prevent different thoughts from entering. The eyes are considered as the windows or entrance to the mind. The mind contains a lot of thoughts as it is considered as the creator and container so when one tries to meditate it should be cleared and emptied.

Now that you are relaxed, you have to be patient. Do not do meditation if you have anything to perform right after. Ensure you get yourself much time before as well as after the session. Be patient particularly starting out, it can take one 10 minutes or even an hour. It actually differs from one person to another and day-to-day. Once you attain a clear mind then you can begin the way into a deep meditation. You can feel an irresistible calmness and tranquility in your whole existence the time you reach deep meditation.

Now the fourth step is important especially when thoughts start to come in. All you have to consider is, "focus on your breathing". This will divert your attention and block incoming thoughts. Breathe in and breathe out, do not control your breathing instead just observe it. Let the normal process of inhalation and exhalation occur. Observation is the key nature of the mind so just focus and observe your breathing.Then as you progress thoughts will eventually diminish and breathing will become thinner and shorter leading to the fifth step. As soon as breathing becomes the smallest it will send a flash in between your eyebrows which will signify a meditated state. During this state you will have no thought and no breathing and it is during this state that the cosmic energy flows into your energy body. The more often you meditate the more abundant cosmic energy flows into you.After meditation you would feel a lot lighter and relaxed as your mind had been released from thoughts and emotions causing you tension and stress. So never deprive yourself of proper meditation because a healthy body starts from a healthy mind.

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