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Sunday 13 October 2013

Knowledgeable London Dental Professional Gives Easy Steps For Teeth Whitening

By Erik Heidrick

Many people do not feel that their teeth are as white as they should be. Some factors cannot be changed, like age and genetics. However, individuals may whiten their teeth effectively by doing a wide array of things. From a dental office, various procedures might be implemented. Additionally, a London UK cosmetic dentist may offer an assortment of effective and safe whitening tips.

The first step a dentist may recommend is to eliminate certain habits. Smoking is one of the primary causes of discoloration. Nicotine can cause teeth to become yellow, and in advanced cases, even brown and black. Quitting smoking is an excellent way to whiten, as well as to improve overall health.

A yellowish appearance could be the result of other habits, as well. Beverages such as red wine and coffee can stain teeth. Both black tea and green tea may induce discoloration, especially if they are consumed excessively. Unsightly yellowish stains might also be caused by drinking cola. To brighten teeth, it is generally advisable to limit the use of beverages that can cause discoloration.

Stains may also be caused when a person eats certain foods. Foods that can discolor teeth include some spices, as well as beets, balsamic vinegar, and berries. Consuming these foods in moderation is probably wise, although people can still eat and enjoy them.

Going to regular dental cleaning appointments is another way that people might prevent unnecessary discoloration. Having teeth professionally cleaned twice a year is usually advisable. In some instances, additional cleanings might be recommended. A cosmetic dentist may also suggest advanced whitening procedures. An example is when a dentist applies a bleaching agent, by employing either a laser or a fitted tray.

Attaining a bright and beautiful smile is certainly achievable. There are numerous things that a person can do to whiten teeth. Consulting a London UK cosmetic dentist could be the best first step to take.

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