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Sunday 15 February 2015

Some Advantages Of Telehealth Solutions

By Katina Brady

The modern world advances through technology and finding new better ways to do things. There are many benefits to residents of Lawrence, KS brought through telehealth solutions. Here some to consider:

Patients will be able to remain in their own homes for longer. By monitoring patients and accessing health services remotely they will not need to stay in a care facility. Care facilities have been seen as necessary for chronic conditions, but leaving home to be cared for in a facility can cause extra distress to already overwhelmed patients.

Over the long term costs to the patient will be less. Monitoring patients in their own home allows them to spend significantly less than they would if they were admitted to a hospital. This makes it possible for them to get the care they need.

There will be fewer emergency room visits from patients. There are many health issues that can be alarming enough to send a patient to the emergency room that can be simply and quickly treated in home with proper aid and advice from medical trained professionals, this will save time spent in the emergency room.

Work flow in the clinic can be reduced. Doctors will be able to follow the condition of their patients remotely reducing the number of office visits. This brings a benefit to the doctor and to the patient. The doctor can book more necessary appointments and the patients can be sure their doctor is giving them close attention without needing to travel to the office to visit the doctor.

Hospital re-admissions will be reduced. By monitoring a patient's condition remotely they will be more likely to follow the physician's directions which help their condition to improve, and also should their condition begin to lapse the treatment can be updated and improved before the patient's condition deteriorates sufficiently to send them back to the hospital.

Patient's quality of life will improve. When a patient has a chronic illness that requires them to be monitored continually travelling to and from appointments limits the time they can pursue satisfying activities that are separate from their illness. By reducing the number of appointments they must travel to a patient will be able to use their time to do what they find satisfying.

The level of patient compliance will increase. A patient that is being monitored will more strictly follow what their doctor has prescribed for them and will be better at remembering to take pills. Exercise that has been prescribed and restrictions on smoking or drinking would be more likely to be followed as well.

The level of patient self-care and education will increase. This system of remote health care allows patients to take more control of their own conditions and treatment. They learn more about what their condition is and what they need to do to care for themselves. Once they understand their condition and what is required of them their outcomes will improve.

The chances of patient mortality will decrease. Due to close monitoring, any change in the patient's condition can be recognized promptly and dealt with before it gets too bad. To the patients, their families and their doctors this is a real and alarming concern but with this level of monitoring much can be prevented.

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