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Tuesday 25 July 2017

Using Natural Digestive Enzymes Home Remedies

By Carolyn Richardson

Almost everyone knows someone with a gluten intolerance or suffers from this condition themselves. Millions use prescription or over-the-counter drugs for indigestion and heartburn, while the sale of supplements to boost intestinal health and efficiency is booming. You can help yourself with sensible eating practices and natural digestive enzymes home remedies.

Digestion is the breaking down of foods into the nutrients that your body uses for energy, cell repair and regeneration, and proper functioning of all its complex processes. This breakdown occurs primarily in the mouth, the stomach, and the small intestine. Glands in the mouth secrete enzyme-rich saliva, while cells in the wall of the stomach and small intestine secrete other digestive juices. Pancreatic secretions also play a part. A poor diet, stress, and simply getting older can cause these vital secretions to decline, causing poor digestion and poor assimilation of nutrients.

You can help maintain proper digestion by eating foods that supply nutrients and by eating them properly. You need to consume proteins, unaltered fats, and complex carbohydrates and to chew them thoroughly. The saliva in your mouth begins the digestive process, preparing the food for the action of stomach acid and each needed enzyme. Chewing is important, free, and a great help to your system.

Most foods in their raw state contain every enzyme needed to break it down and sometimes more than enough. Cooking destroys enzymes, however, while harvesting before the peak of ripeness and long cold storage can deplete them. Help yourself stay healthy by consuming homegrown or locally-grown produce and eat it raw. Local grass-fed meats are healthier, too.

Pineapple contains bromelain, and papaya the enzyme papain. Both are strong enzymes that help people digest all foods, even meats. Eating them before or after a meal can boost digestion. Other fruits and vegetables can be fermented to heighten their potency. You can find recipes for enzyme-rich brews online. Fermentation produces beneficial bacteria, too, which is important for intestinal integrity.

If you suffer from weak stomach acid (often a cause of heartburn, actually), try apple cider vinegar in water as a drink before the meal. It's better not to drink while eating, since this dilutes stomach acid. Many people who are under stress, suffering from illness, or getting older have this problem. A diet of processed foods and sugar, with little or no fresh produce, will deplete the body's natural resources of every necessary secretion.

Fermented brews rich in protease, lipase, and amylase, which break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates respectively, can be made at home with fruits, vegetables, and sugar. The produce contains valuable nutrients and the sugar speeds up fermentation. It takes about 4 weeks for a mixture to mature, according to recipes found online. The resulting brew is strained and refrigerated, to be mixed with water and drunk to give the body an enzyme fix. If taken on an empty stomach, it will purify the bloodstream. With meals, it aids digestion.

All of us should know more about the importance of enzyme activity in our bodies. If we eat pure food in its natural state, raw when possible, and provide our systems with the nutrients they need, we can stay healthy and happy. We can also enjoy our food.

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