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Sunday 13 January 2019

Trained San Diego Rolfing Practitioners Help Encourage Weight Reduction

By Dorothy Ellis

Most people who have already heard or read about rolfing know that it is primarily for alleviating body aches and pains. Not too many of them, however, are aware that it's also something that can help get rid of excess pounds. Below you will come across a few reasons why San Diego rolfing providers can make weight loss possible.

The treatment's objective is to realign the tissues that hold several different groups of muscles in place. Doing such enables the body to heal itself. This is basically the reason why it can help deal with achy and sore muscles as well as joints without the need to constantly take pain killing or anti inflammatory medications.

Getting the muscles aligned properly by means of manipulation of tissues encasing them allows for the attainment of correct body posture. There is no denying that opting for correct posture while sitting or standing can make a person appear taller and also slimmer. It's just like sporting a new physique without paying for liposuction or taking all kinds of weight loss supplements on the market.

Your waist can become smaller if it's performed regularly on the midsection. Such is due to the fact that it can have your intestines realigned properly, too. Your intestines can wind up stiffened and clogged due to years of having an inactive lifestyle and also unhealthy eating preferences. Through it, your gut can be freed from accumulated toxins and waste materials. The moment that they are out of your body, you can be spotted by everyone with a flatter tummy.

Do not think that the slimming effect of this treatment is purely an illusion. Many people who are fond of it swear that it makes them feel less stressed. Needless to say, you can consider it as a form of massage that can help in calming both the body and mind.

So many different health problems can originate from poor stress management. Some examples include hypertension and an increased risk of battling deadly cancer. Fitness experts confirm that stress is also the reason behind unexplained weight gain. It's because of the fact that having elevated stress hormones in the body can cause more fat cells to accumulate. Such can also make the levels of glucose in the bloodstream become abnormally high, which is something that can cause a person to find fattening foods so irresistible. That basically explains the principle of being a stress eater.

Needless to say, keeping stress to a minimum is an important step that needs to be taken by anyone who wants to become slimmer. The good news is there are so many stress relieving activities around, ranging from taking a rejuvenating bath to doing yoga. For those who are fond of getting all sorts of relaxing massages, rolfing is certainly a wonderful option.

It's important to note that undergoing the treatment alone is not enough to make someone lose excess weight. Still it's very important for the individual to opt for a diet that's low in calories and fat. Having a regular dose of exercise is a must as well.

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