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Sunday 19 January 2014

When Seeking Chinese Massage Pittsburgh Residents Will Find A Good Choice Of Providers In Their Area

By Marissa Velazquez

For many centuries, massage has been a key aspect of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, texts dating back over two-and-a-half-thousands years document the use of this rejuvenating therapy. It forms part of what is an intrinsically holistic approach to wellness practised by the Chinese. Treatment is applied in the context of the entire person, not just an isolated symptom. If they wish to reap the benefits of Chinese Massage Pittsburgh residents are very well placed to do so.

This supremely restorative therapy incorporates elements of traditional medicine and its benefits extend beyond muscular problems and stress relief. It can provide much-needed relief from digestive problems, such as constipation and stomach pain. It can also be of huge benefit for those who are stressed, anxious or who have other psychological/emotional issues. That said, patients most often seek relief from muscular and joint-related problems (back problems being a common reason for seeking treatment).

There are several varieties of this therapy, but they all incorporate the principle of stimulating and balancing the body's subtle energy, known as 'qi' (pronounced 'chi'). The aim is to restore the flow of stagnant qi, and thus help restore healthy functioning of the body and its systems. A number of hand techniques are employed, including pinching, rolling, vibration and percussion.

Some providers may use relaxing music, incense and other props to create an atmosphere of tranquility. Some also use devices to augment their treatments, such as wooden rollers, rollerballs and back massage implements. Therapy can also be enhanced by the use of herbs, acupuncture and acupressure techniques.

As well gaining relief at a purely physical level, patients can look forward to emerging from each session with a 'glow' of relaxed invigoration. Those with chronic pain issues can expect to gain significant relief, particularly if they commit to regular treatments. Therapy also boosts the body's overall resiliency, and many patients find their immune function is improved.

A massive benefit for many patients is significant stress reduction. As accumulated tension is released, patients often find their clarity and peace of mind is greatly enhanced. Racing thoughts, worry and other psycho-emotional turbulence often fades significantly, enabling the patient to face life with renewed calm. In the long-term, they can begin to enjoy life in ways that may have eluded them for years.

At a purely physical level, athletes and others who are very active can derive great benefit from this form of therapy. Existing injuries can be eased, and further ones can be prevented. Mobility and flexibility in the muscles and joints enhances performance and resilience. Many sports enthusiasts are able to perform better and for longer when they undergo regular therapy.

In general, if they are looking to benefit from Chinese massage Pittsburgh residents will find there are quite a number of providers in their area. Daily stresses, injuries, aches and pains can place a greater burden on the body and mind than many people understand. When tension in the body is released, balance is restored and patients are able to enjoy life with much greater resilience and peace of mind.

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