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Thursday 27 June 2013

Learn How A San Clemente CA, Orange County Dentist Can Help With Sleep Apnea

By Javier Mcnear

There is a large number of effective remedies for sleep-related issues that you can find by visiting an Orange County dentist office. Sleep apnea is a troublesome condition and can frighten both those who have it and those who love them. It causes the airways to close throughout the night hours. The results can be poor quality sleep, lack of concentration and oral health problems. Luckily, new oral appliances may be able to successfully resolve these issues.

One very effective and easy solution that dental professionals commonly employ is oral appliance therapy. Their clients are measured and then fitted for special devices that they can wear when going to sleep. They keep the airways from being obstructed throughout the night.

Those who snore throughout the night or start out of their sleep as the result of breathlessness will experience a number of benefits when using these devices. They prevent the tongue and the soft tissues within the mouth from collapsing. These fall back into the airway which in turn prevents the easy intake of air.

Being evaluated for a device of this type can take time. Providers must have a good knowledge of the devices that exist and should be able to determine which ones are capable of addressing a person's needs in the best possible fashion. There are quite a few contraptions that are used for this purpose.

Those who have long suffered from this problem without an effective form of help can actually enjoy a better life quality when the right oral appliance therapy is implemented. When these individuals start getting consistently better rest, they will feel more alert and are less likely to experience depression, anxiety, bouts of anger and mood swings. Even their cognitive thinking will improve.

There are numerous reasons why a person should visit an Orange County dentist office when suffering from sleep apnea. You will be able to get better sleep through the use of oral appliances. These contraptions can additionally reduce the oral damage that is often caused by prolonged mouth breathing.

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