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Thursday 6 June 2013

Why Pantothenic Acid Vitamin B5 Cured My Acne

With lots of options and treatments for acne today it is really difficult to navigate through a mountain of information without getting overloaded and considering what may work for other people may in fact not work for you as we are all different.

With many visits to the dermatologists and having spent a small fortune on thousands numerous acne creams, prescription antibiotics, herbal remedies I am sure I am not alone.

I don't recollect how I came across the use of pantothenic acid also known as vitamin B5 for treating acne but what I do know is that there are many whom have tried it and have achieved positive results.

The use of pantothenic acid for acne treatment is based on a study by Dr. Lit-Hung, MD whereby the results have been published in the scientifically prestigious Journal of Orthromolecular Medicine Vol. 12 Number 2, 1997.

At this stage it is really important to note that if you are a teenager or undergoing menopause that the cause of acne is therefore mostly hormonal that this treatment is unlikely to work. The use of pantothenic acid vitamin B5 for acne treatment is therefore only suited for adults.

One should note that adult acne is related to how the body cleanses itself with over-worked liver and gallbladder in removing toxins and excess fat and hence not hormonal changes which teenagers and women experiencing menopause undergo.

In fact it is no surprise that the majority of people in the western world have overloaded livers and gallbladders given the standard American diet. The human body in most cases removes the toxins and fat cells through the colon. The exception is with acne sufferers whereby the toxins are actually released via the skin which results in pores becoming clogged-up and leading to acne.

The pantothenic acid study hypothesized that an over loaded liver leads to a deficiency in B vitamins which is needed by the body in order to cleanse itself.

One can therefore expect that by using vitamin B (pantothenic acid) will help the body to remove the toxins via the colon and not through the skin and hence reducing the burden on the body and the ultimate benefit achieved being a reduction in acne.

When I started using pantothenic acid to treat acne I began with 10grams which is approximately twenty 500mg pills. Over a seven to ten day period I observed that my spots became smaller and also with less oil on my skin. A month later I am amazed as I have achieved much clearer skin and that being the first time in almost twenty years!

A point to note is that pantothenic acid is water soluble in that is dissolves in water and hence high doses can be used without experiencing over-dose problems. However before anyone attempts to use pantothenic acid I strongly advise and can only recommend that you visit your dermatologist or doctor expressing our interest and whether this will be a viable treatment for you.

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